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Steam Game Festival (rescheduled)

Stelex Software

Monorail Stories will be part of the Steam Game Festival - Summer Edition!

We are excited to announce that Monorail Stories will be part of the Steam Game Festival Summer Edition! The event will run from June 16 to June 22 and you'll be able to download and play a demo of our new minimalistic adventure game! We're also planning a live-stream and a Q&A session during the Festival. Stay tuned!

You can already wishlist the game on Steam to get informed once it is done! To get more on the latest news follow us our website or our social media: Twitter, Facebook or Instagram ALL ABOARD!

Update 06/06/2020:

Valve has announced that the #SteamGameFestival has been postponed a week. Originally started to begin on June 9, the Steam Game Festival will instead start on June 16 and last until June 22.


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